Książki dla Learning & Development i nie tylko
Nie wyobrażam sobie mojego życia bez czytania. To najważniejsza umiejętność w kontekście uczenia się. Książki zmieniły i ciągle zmieniają sposób myśleniai działania.
Poniżej przygotowaliśmy listę książek, które według nas są najważniejsze dla nas, ale też niezmiernie ważne dla całej branży Learning & Development. Wiele z nich to nowości, ale nie boimy się też wracać do klasyki, która w nowych kontekstach technologicznych niesamowicie mocno inspiruje.
Najważniejsze dla L&D
Design for How People Learn (Voices That Matter), by Julie Dirksen
The Accidental Instructional Designer: Learning Design for the Digital Age, by Cammy Bean
Michael Allen’s Guide to e-Learning: Building Interactive, Fun, and Effective Learning Programs for Any Company by Michael Allen
Leaving ADDIE for SAM: An Agile Model for Developing the Best Learning Experiences, by Michael Allen and Richard Sites
Map It: The hands-on guide to strategic training design, by Cathy Moore
e-Learning by Design, by William Horton
e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning, by Ruth Clark and Richard Mayer
The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice, by Abbie H. Brown and Timothy D. Green
The Non-Designer’s Design Book: Design and Typographic Principles for the Visual Novice, by Robin Williams
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction: Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education, by Karl M. Kapp
Evidence-informed Learning Design by Mirjam Neelen and Paul A. Kirschner
Agile for Instructional Designers: Iterative Project Management to Achieve Results by Megan Torrance
What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming an Instructional Designer by Luke Hobson
Write Better Multiple-Choice Questions to Assess Learning: Measure What Matters— Evidence-Informed Tactics for Multiple-Choice Questions by Patti Shank Phd
Design Thinking for Training and Development by Sharon Boller
The eLearning Designer's Handbook: A Practical Guide to the eLearning Development Process for New eLearning Designers by Tim Slade
Performance-Focused Learner Surveys: Using Distinctive Questioning to Get Actionable Data and Guide Learning Effectiveness by Will Thalheimer
Instructional Story Design: Develop Stories That Train by Rance Greene
Instrucional design Step-By-Step. John Hoffman
The Art and Science of Training, Elaine Biech
Communicating Design, Dan Brown
Neuroscience for Learning and Development, Stella Collins
Forward-focused Learning, Tamar Elkeles
Templates For Managing Training Projects Kindle Edition, Willis H. Thomas
Desigining for Modern Learning, Beyond ADDIE and SAM, Crystal Kadakia, Lisa M.D. Owens
Four Levels of Training Evaluation, James D. Kirkpatrick, Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick
Measuring the Success of Learning Through Technology: A Guide for Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI on E-Learning, Blended Learning, and Mobile Learning, Tamar Elkeles, Patricia Pulliam Phillips, Jack J. Phillips
Polecane biznesowe
tym też się zajmiemy, bo tych książek jest całkiem sporo
Polecane inne
bo przecież nie samą pracą człowiek żyje